Curriculum Vitae


PhD Student in Earth and Environmental Science, Columbia University (2021-present)

  • Advisors: Jonathan Kingslake (primary), Meredith Nettles, W. Roger Buck

  • Area of study: Glaciology, Polar Geophysics, Subglacial Hydrology, Numerical Modeling

  • Relevant courses: Climate Prediction Challenges, Geophysical Inverse Theory, Quantitative Methods of Data Analysis, Research Computing in Earth Science, Machine Learning in Earth and Environmental Engineering, Remote Sensing

BASc in Engineering Science - Physics Option, University of Toronto (2016-2021)

  • Graduated with honors, cGPA: 3.77

  • Undergraduate Thesis: The Impact of Freshwater Forcing on a University of Toronto Model for Dansgaard-Oeschger Oscillations (Advisor: W.R. Peltier)

  • Relevant courses: Climate System Dynamics (graduate course), Computational Physics, Economic Analysis and Decision Making, Engineering Design, Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies, Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Physics of Climate, Physics of the Earth, Time Series Analysis, Thermodynamics

  • Extracurriculars: University of Toronto Aerospace Team, Engineering Outreach, Galbraith Society for Undergraduate Research



  • Lu, G., Kingslake, J.: An idealized model of ice flow with subglacial water coupling. West Antarctic Ice Sheet Workshop, 2022.

  • Lu, G., Wells, M., Van Stygeren, I., and Hecky, R.: Intrusions of sediment laden fluids into density stratified water columns can be an unrecognized source of mixing in many lakes. EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-1407,, 2021.

Field Experience

Professional Experience

Research Fellow, Rho Impact (2022)

  • Developing and reviewing potential climate impact models of emerging green technologies

  • Models incorporated into CRANE tool

Systems Design Engineering Intern, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) (2019-2020)

  • Developed tools to automate system power/performance tests for the post-silicon power team (Python, Perl, C, bash)

  • Worked on web-based UIs to display regression test data (Python, jQuery, Javascript)

Undergraduate Research Experience

University of Toronto: CGCS Summer Internship Program (2020)

University of Cambridge: University of Toronto ESROP Program (2019)


  • Coding/data analysis: Strong scientific Python (numpy, scipy, pandas, xarray, cartopy) and MATLAB proficiency. Experience with bash, C, javascript, jQuery, Perl, R. An up-and-coming machine learning enthusiast (scikit-learn, Pytorch, Tensorflow).

  • Engineering/design: Familiar with Sketchup, Solidworks, AutoCAD. Eager to discuss past engineering projects for courses/capstone/hackathons

  • Earth sciences: Expertise with operation of automated phase-sensitive radio echo sounders (ApRES). Excellent laboratory skills. Familiar with GIS software.

  • Science outreach/communication: Developed and ran summer programs for University of Waterloo Engineering outreach as a University instructor (2017) and the Technology Program Lead (2018)

  • Other: Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, proficient in spoken Mandarin and written French